How To Find A Dental Implant Dentist You Can Trust

August 21, 2019

picking a dental implant specialist

Dental implants are an ideal solution to address missing teeth. That said, finding a dentist who will correctly and compassionately fix an implant can be an involved task, especially with the number of dentists available. What exactly should you be looking for?

Here are some tips for finding an implant dentist you can trust.

1. Check the Dentist’s Credentials

Not every dentist has experience or is adept at fixing implants. However, some dentists have specialized in the dental implants field. This will only become apparent when you do a thorough check of a dentist’s credentials.

Take the time to scrutinize different dentists and select one who is qualified to fix dental implants. Fortunately, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry has compiled a comprehensive list of all implant dentists who have gone through the rigorous AAID training. You can feel confident your implant procedure will be a success by selecting one of the dentists on that list.

2. Do Your Research on the Dentist’s Experience

Aside from the credentials, you should also check the dentists’ experience. As a rule of thumb, the more experience, the better. However, you might find a dentist who isn’t as experienced but is willing to go the extra mile to ensure that your dental implant is done to perfection. You should note that experience doesn’t automatically translate into many years of fixing implants. Some dentists have only been doing this procedure for a year or two but have offered their services to more people.

3. Ask Around Among Family and Friends

What better way to start your search than by asking for referrals from family and friends? Do you have a friend who has gone through a successful dental implant procedure? Ask for their dentist’s contacts. If your friends or an acquaintance liked a certain dentist’s services, it’s highly probable that you’ll also be happy with the results.

4. Visit the Dentists

An actual visit is one of the best ways to find a good dental implant dentist. Visiting offices will give you to see what they have to offer. While at it, you can book an appointment and get to know the specifics about the procedure, as well as the cost. A simple search for “dental implant specialist near me” will present a list of all the dentists in your geographic area. Ask as many questions as you can during your visit so that you know what to expect when you go in for your implants.

5. Check the Prices

Dental implants are a serious procedure, so they can be on the expensive side. While you should not necessarily go for the cheapest option, you should only choose a dentist who is within your price range. Just ensure that you’re not compromising on quality when choosing an affordable dental implant dentist.

If you’re ready to learn more about dental implants, contact us today to speak with our friendly staff.